Monday, January 26, 2009

Hanging Out at Sophie's

"Wanna bet I can fit this whole quesadilla in my mouth, Papa?"

"So... come here often?"

"OK, I'll trade you three grapes for five blueberries."

"Are we getting dressed or playing 'Ring around the rosie'?"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Will's Watercolor

A nice watercolor from Will:

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Will Escapes Chuck E. Cheese's Unscathed (Beginner's Luck)

"Ha ha ha, OK, it was great talking to you but I've got to get back to sliding down the slide!"

"Wow, you really ARE a big red dog!"

"OK, don't turn around or anything, Anabelle, but I have this really creepy feeling that there's someone right behind us."

"OK, I'm just going to slowly and nonchalantly reach for the door... No sudden moves..."


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy Third Birthday, Jack!

"Hey, how about a quick round of Pictionary?"

"Ooo, nice Kandinsky!"

"OK, time for a speed round!"

"...and I think if we replace x with the coefficient of variation, this will solve the spontaneous combustion problem." "Hmm, yes, I see."

Happy Birthday, Jack!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Will's Dancing Abilities

It's not an official dance recital like his sister's, but this short video demonstrates that Will has some smooth dance moves too!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

Unfortunately Will was sick the days Santa and his reindeer came to school, so we don't have fun pictures of him from daycare like Anabelle does, but here are some recent cute shots of him:

Listening to his big sister read him a whole big book!

Hanging out with Jack, who is helpfully checking Will's diaper.

Just chillin' and eatin' some White Castle.

Playing and brushing his teeth -- good dental hygiene and multi-tasking!

Plus: Impeccable fashion sense!!!