Monday, September 29, 2008

Group Stroller Ride

Will made the monthly daycare newsletter! Here's a picture of him on the infants' morning stroller ride:

He doesn't look very happy, but that's probably because his parents dressed him in shorts when all the other kids were wearing nice warm sweatpants.

And here's a picture of Will eating breakfast at the big kids' table in the infant room:

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fun at the Park

There was a little bit of nice weather late in the day Sunday and we decided to take advantage of it by going to the park!

"Dad! You were supposed to catch me! I almost slid right off!!!"

Special thanks to Nonnie and Papa for watching both kids last night! Based on the number of times Will said "Papa!" and "Nonnie!" with a big smile on his face, I'd say he had a great time!! Thanks so much!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Moocher

"Mmm, that cookie sure does look good!"

"Hey, I want to play with those puppets, too!!"

"Whew, mooching is hard work! But at least I got these flippers out of it!"

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Crocodile Hunter

"I'm not kidding, Mom! I think I just saw a snake up in the branches!!"

"See! I told you I saw a big snake in here!!"

"Crikey! Get a load of the size of that gator!!"

"Now we're out here in the outback looking for wild hoofed animals!"

"Heh, I scared that kid by telling him there was an alligator hiding in this pipe!"

"Wait a second -- did I just see something move in there? Something with a tail??"

"And now it's the time on my show when we dance!"

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Zoo Car Pool

"Man, this morning commute is a jungle!"

"Road rage... building!!"

"Hey, wait a second... I think I see something I need in that nearby car."

"Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?"

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Will at the Water Park

Here are some pictures from Labor Day. (Remember back when it was still sunny and warm out?)

"Sorry, these swim diapers aren't very absorbent."

"Geez, I said I was sorry!"

"Shh! I think Will fell asleep eating his sandwich!"

"Zzzzz... mmm, peanut butter... jelly... zzzzz"

"OK. great shot, Will! Now give me 'pouty'!"

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hanging Out at the Underwater Aquarium

"Wow, this moving sidewalk is pretty cool, huh, Anabelle?"

"In fact, this sidewalk isn't the only thing that's got to move! It's time to get down and get funky!! I like to move it, move it! You like to move it, move it!!"

"Time to activate... WARP SPEED!!!"

"Did someone say something about this being a shark cage?"

"Hey, look! It's my own green screen challenge!!"

"Hey, look! I found a secret passageway!!"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Welcome, Juliet!

Will (reluctantly) welcomes his latest cousin, Juliet Scallon, born Friday September 5th!

"Omigosh. This means I'm no longer the youngest, cutest grandchild."

"Just remember that I'm Ba's favorite, right, Ba? Ba? Ba???"

Just kidding! Will is totally interested in Juliet: He follows her around and points at her saying "Baby! Baby!" over and over again. We'll probably have the problem of him wanting to hug and hold her too much.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lawn Bowling

"Steady... steady... got to avoid the rock trap..."

"Dang it, not again!"

"Looks like I'll be taking another penalty frame!"

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gone Fishin'

"Ah, nothing like relaxing at the lake with a fishing pole in hand!"

"Oh my goodness!  I already got a bite, and it feels like a big one!!  Better reel it in!!"

"Holy cow!  Look at the size of that fish!!"

"Hey, everybody, look at the huge fish I just caught!  I swear, it's this big!!!"